Firstly, what is hospice care?
Hospice care allows the patient with a terminal illness to remain at home or where ever he/she chooses, to be treated medically, but stay as comfortable as possible, after stopping medication in treating a terminal illness; such as cancer when chemotherapy fails to work. There is a 24/7 team that could be reached to help the family and patient cope with the impending death; emotionally, spiritually, and physically, to answer any medical questions, and most importantly, keep the patient comfortable physically.
How do you bring up the topic of hospice care?
As an emotional support hospice care volunteer myself, the topic is not an easy one to bring up to the patient and family members. Sometimes there is not a lot of time to discuss the option of hospice care because an illness or injury arises quickly or the patient may not be capable, alert, or able to be part of the decision making process. Being culturally sensitive is essential. Some of us are more sensitive to doing what we can to keep our loved ones stay alive, so bringing up hospice care may be more threatening than helpful in some cases. So, how would you know if it would be helpful or not to bring it up?
**One way is to send a Mental Health Professional to the family to discuss and prepare them about the possibility of hospice care before the medical staff broaches the topic with them as early as possible in the treatment planning.
**If the patient is religious or spiritual, having a Chaplin or another spiritual leader visit the family to speak to them about hospice care and what it entails could be another way to help the families accept this route of treatment.
**A living will written by the patient, with the help of the hospital staff, would also be ideal as early on in treatment process.
**The patient appointing a power of attorney would be important, to avoid any issues in the future when the decision by medical professionals to go on hospice care needs to be made.
**Keep the patient and his/her family aware of the progress of his/her medical condition, along with their choices in treatment, so that they feel empowered about their own medical decisions.
**For those times when planning ahead is not an option, it is important for medical personnel to be as direct, yet as empathetic as possible with the patient and family when speaking about hospice care as an option.
Insurance and finances
One cold, harsh fact about hospice care would be availability of finances and insurance coverage or lack thereof. After treatment for a terminal illness or injury is exhausted and insurance refuses continued coverage, coverage for hospice care for a period of time may be a secondary option. Please check your benefits as soon as you can.
Final Thoughts
Death is not an easy event to accept, even though it is a part of life. Keeping your loved one as comfortable as possible during this period of time; medically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, in their own home or care facility of his/her own choosing, may make his/her passing easier for not only themselves but for you too.